S3 Features Overview

S3 Features: Cloudwatch Metrics and Event Notifications

S3 CloudWatch Metrics

You can use the AWS Management Console to enable the generation of 1-minute CloudWatch metrics for your S3 bucket or configure filters for the metrics using a prefix or object tag. You may also call the S3 PUT Bucket Metrics API.

Storage metrics will be available in CloudWatch within 15 minutes of being enabled.

S3 Features: Analytics and Inventory Overview

S3 Analytics

S3 Analytics feature automatically identifies infrequent access patterns to help transition storage to S3-IA or Glacier.

Storage class analysis also provides daily visualizations of storage usage on the Management Console and can be exported to a S3 bucket to analyze using any BI tools such as AWS QuickSight.

You can configure a storage class analysis policy to monitor an entire bucket, a prefix, or object tag.

S3 Object Tagging Overview

S3 Object Tags are key-value pairs applied to S3 objects.


Why tags?

Tagging help to create IAM policies, customize storage metrics and setup S3 Lifecycle policies such as transitions between storage classes and expire objects in the background.

Tags can also be used to label objects that belong to a specific project or BU, which could be used in conjunction with lifecycle policies to manage transitions.


S3 Multipart Upload Overview

Used to upload a single file in multiple parts.

Parts are automatically assembled after all uploads. 

Parts can also be uploaded in parallel, in any order and can even be retransmitted. 

Objects can also be uploaded even before the final size is known (e.g. upload as you are creating it).

It is possible to stop a multi-part upload. Once stopped, it may be aborted or resumed. 

S3 Features: Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) and Cross Region Replication (CRR) Overview

S3 Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)

Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) defines a way for client web applications that are loaded in one domain to interact with resources in a different domain. 

Example scenarios:

  1. Allow JavaScript on the web pages that are stored in a bucket to be able to make authenticated GET and PUT requests against the same bucket by using the Amazon S3's API endpoint for the bucket.

S3 Static Website Hosting Overview

You can host your entire static website on S3 for an inexpensive, highly available hosting solution that scales automatically to meet traffic demands.

Static content idealy include html files, images, videos, and client-side scripts such as JavaScript. 

You can map your domain name (e.g. “example.com”) to this bucket from Route 53. 

S3 Transfer Acceleration Overview

S3 Transfer Acceleration enables fast, easy, and secure transfers of files over long distances between your client and your S3 bucket.

Transfer Acceleration leverages Amazon CloudFront’s globally distributed Edge Locations.

As data arrives at an AWS Edge Location, data is routed to your Amazon S3 bucket over an optimized network path. According to an Amazon blog, improvements are typically in the range of 50% to 500% for cross-country transfer of larger objects, but can go ever higher under certain conditions.

S3 Lifecycle Management Policies Overview

Different storage tiers have different cost. S3 Lifecycle management provides the ability to define the lifecycle of your object to transition to different storage tiers based on different factors.

For example, you can set infrequently accessed objects to move into lower cost storage tier (like S3-IA) after a period of time. After another period, it can be moved into Amazon Glacier for archive and compliance, and eventually deleted.

S3 Versioning Overview

Once you enable Versioning for a bucket, S3 preserves existing objects anytime you perform a PUT, POST, COPY, or DELETE operation on them. You can enable versioning while creating an object or later from the Properties tab of the bucket.


Important notes on versioning

  1. The bucket owner, the AWS account that created the bucket (root account), and all authorized IAM users can enable versioning.


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