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Submitted byNeha
onSun, 04/17/2022 - 18:43
  1. Go to the website “”. Select the portfolio and resume option from the drop down menu named resume.

  2. Select the resume template of your choice and download it.

Submitted byNeha
onSun, 04/17/2022 - 18:27
  1. Run the command “git push”.

  2. There will be an error because the changes made in the server is not present in the remote. You have to first do a git pull, then git push.

  3. To push it anyway i.e. forced push run the command “git push -f”.

Submitted byNeha
onSun, 04/17/2022 - 18:23
  1. Run the command “git log --oneline”. You can see all the commits being done previously.

  2. To undo the commit, copy the #no. of that commit and run the command “git reset <commit #no.>”.

Submitted byNeha
onSun, 04/17/2022 - 18:16
  1. Run the command “git log”. It will show you all the commits with details you have done in the repository.

  2. Run the command “git log --oneline”. It will show you all the commits excluding the details(in a much cleaner way), you have done in the repository.

Submitted byNeha
onSun, 04/17/2022 - 18:13
  1. To change the remote URL, run the command “ git remote set-url origin <HTTPS or SSH URL>”
    (You can change HTTPS to SSH or vice versa)

  2. Check the updated URL.



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