Create a website in Github

  1. Go to the website “”. Select the portfolio and resume option from the drop down menu named resume.

  2. Select the resume template of your choice and download it.

  3. A zip file will be downloaded. Unzip it.

  4. An HTML file will be present in the folder. Edit it using VS code or notepad, make necessary changes and save it.

  5. Go to your github account and create a repository named “”. (You can use any name in place of username)

  6. Upload all the files which you have unzipped into the repository by clicking on the option of ‘add files’ and then ‘upload file’ option.

  7. Scroll down and click on commit changes. Your files will be uploaded.

  8. Now, clone the repository in git bash.

  9. Open the repository containing all the files again.

  10. Go to the settings. Select ‘Pages’ from the code and automation section present in the left of the page.

  11. In the source option, Select the branch as ‘main’ and save.

  12. You will see a URL generated above.

  13. Click ‘Choose a theme’. Browse the available themes and click the ‘Select theme’ option.

  14. The file will open(You can edit it or keep it as default). Click commit changes.

  15. Now, click on the URL which was generated previously.

  16. You can view your new website.

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CloudMaterials is my blog to share notes and learning materials on Cloud and Data Analytics. My current focus is on Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services (AWS).

I like to write and I try to document what I learn to share with others. I believe that knowledge is useless unless you share it; the more you share, the more you learn.

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